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Czerny-Schaum, Book 2

1.890 kr Á lager
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Vörunúmer: ALF00EL00330A

Every pianist needs a book of exercises to help them develop technical skills needed to perform any type of music from classical to jazz and pop to rock. Carl Czery is considered the founder of modern piano technique, and usingthe Czerny-Schaum exercises will improve piano technique for all late elementary to early intermediate students. The Czerny-Schaum edition is based on selections from Op. 599, Op. 139, Op. 821, Op. 718, Op. 636, and Op. 261. Theobjective is to bring together excerpts that stress many varieties of technical problems. Special emphasis is placed on equal development of both hands and the technical points are equally divided between the right and thelefthands. Using the Czerny-Schaum exercises will improve piano technique for all late elementary to early intermediate students.