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Kawai K-300 ATX4 AnyTime píanó, hæð 122cm, svart háglans

1.620.000 kr Á lager
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Vörunúmer: K-300 ATX4

Kawai AnyTime ATX4 píanóið sameina sérhannað hljóðdeyfingareiginleika með leiðandi stafrænni tækni, sem gerir píanóleikurum kleift að njóta þeirrar ánægju að eiga og spila á hefðbundið píanó, á sama tíma og þeir geta æft sig af stakri prýði hvenær sem er með því að nota heyrnatól sem tengd eru í píanóið. The AnyTime ATX4 hybrid instruments blend Kawai’s masterful acoustic piano craftsmanship with advanced digital piano technologies. Each piano begins with the solid foundation of Kawai’s award-winning upright and grand pianos, offering class-leading features such as the Millennium III action, considered to be the world’s finest upright and piano actions. Equipped with Kawai’s most advanced digital and sound technologies, AnyTime ATX4 instruments are also premium digital pianos that can be played silently with headphones. Players can practice new pieces in silence using a variety of high quality sounds, use the built-in metronome then record their performance, or play along with tracks from a Bluetooth-connected smart device. The latest AnyTime ATX4 grand piano instruments utilise Kawai's brand new GP Touch Muting System. This technology features a significantly improved hammer stop rail system that is able to accurately halt the action's hammer movement immediately before striking the strings, without the need to make special adjustments to let-off position or timing. This unique design allows pianists to play AnyTime ATX4 grand pianos with exactly the same level of effortless fluency as their standard acoustic counterparts in both normal and muted playing modes, while also enjoying a wide range of convenient and inspiring digital features. nánar